Biblical Studies research seminar

Biblical Studies Faculty host weekly research seminars each semester. Postgraduates, faculty, and visiting scholars meet to discuss research on a chosen theme. Papers last between 45 and 60 minutes and are followed by discussion. After seminar, participants and presenters often continue conversation in a local pub.

In Semester 1, the seminar covers Hebrew Bible, Ancient Judaism, New Testament, and Early Christianity. In Semester 2, Hebrew Bible and New Testament Faculty each host their own weekly seminars. 

Semester 2 2025

  • Tuesdays 2:30pm to 4pm St Mary's College Hall
    4 February
    Professor David Moffitt (St Andrews)
    “Jesus's Sacrifice in Romans”
    11 February
    Jonathan Hunter (St Andrews)
    “Colometry, Cognition, and Time: An Approach to Reading Ancient Greek Prose”
    18 February
    Professor Dr Tobias Nicklas (Regensburg)
    25 February
    Tessa Hayashida (St Andrews)
    “The Transfigured Community: An Intertextual Reading of Luke 9:28-36”
    4 March
    Spring Vacation
    No seminar
    11 March
    Gwangsoo Lee (St Andrews)
    “The Shepherd-Sheep Analogy of Plato and Philo”
    18 March
    Professor Joey Dodson (Denver Seminary)
    “Unsolved Mysteries and Burdensome Superstitions: Seneca’s Epistle 95 and the Colossian Error”
    25 March
    Professor Louise Lawrence (Exeter)
    “Age, Ageing, and Disability in Early Christianity”
    1 April
    Professor Matthew Novenson (Princeton Seminary)
    “The Universal Polytheism and the Case of the Apostle Paul”
    8 April
    Independent Learning Week
    No seminar
    15 April
    Joel Butcher (St Andrews)
    “Matthew’s Evocation of Isaiah’s God-With Statements beyond the Immanuel Quotation: A Production-Oriented Intertextual Approach”
    22 April
    Dr Matt Sharp (St Andrews)
    “Supercelestial Gods Among Pagans, Jews, and Christians”
    1 July
    (Bespoke session)
    Dr David Wilhite (Baylor University)
    “Jesus is ‘Lord’ in the Earliest Christian Sources: Tracing YHWH Christology”
  • Thursdays 2:30pm to 4pm St Mary's College Hall and online

    Contact Dr Madhavi Nevader ([email protected]) for the Teams link

    6 February
    Professor James Davila (St Andrews)
    “The Book of Giants”
    13 February
    Dr Michael Lyons (St Andrews)
    “Scribal Assimilation as Inter-textual Allusion”
    20 February
    Professor Anselm Hagedorn (Osnabruck)
    “Cant 3:1–5 and Hellenistic Gynaikonomoi: A Proposal”
    27 February
    Dr Madhavi Nevader (St Andrews)
    “Seconding Moses? Reading Ezekiel in Conversation with and against Moses”
    6 March
    Spring Vacation
    No seminar
    13 March
    Dr Tobias Siegenthaler (St Andrews)
    “Scribes at Work at Me-turan (Tell-Haddad)”
    20 March
    Professor Ronnie Goldstein (HUJI)
    “Magic and the Hebrew Bible: Some Old/New Cases”
    27 March
    Professor Bruce Wells (Austin)
    “Are There Signs of Legal Education for Biblical Scribes?” (online)
    3 April
    Dr Suzanna Millar (Edinburgh)
    “Animals, Power, and Intersectionality in the Books of Samuel”
    10 April
    Independent Learning Week
    No seminar
    17 April
    Dr Leah Cleath (Princeton)
    “Royal Scribal Performance: Imperial Treaty Contact Zone” (online)
    24 April
    Dr Madadh Richey (Brandeis)
    “The Nimrud Ninurta Reliefs: Doubling, Mirroring, and Elite Assyrian Visual Culture”
    1 May
    Dr Doren Snoeck (St Andrews)
    “Did an Ephraimite Woman Build Cities”
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